Grading and Drainage

Settled backfill and short downspouts are a major cause of wet basements and crawlspaces. Illustration courtesy of Carson Dunlop.

Wet, leaky basement? We see this all the time. Even after a lot of money was spent on basement waterproofing, some of the main causes frequently go unresolved.

The first few feet of ground nearest the foundation is backfilled when homes are built. This almost always will settle over the years, creating an improper grade. Other factors which can affect proper drainage are tree and shrub roots, erosion, and planters up against the house foundation.

A good place to start is to check your grading around the foundation. There should be a continuous slope away from the house with no depressions, about six inches of drop for the first 10 feet, or a 1/4 inch per foot for paved surfaces. Seal any cracks on sidewalks, patios and porch floors up against foundations, including where they meet the foundation. And be sure gutters are in good shape and extend downspouts about four feet away from the foundation.

If the problem persists, a qualified basement waterproofing contractor should be consulted.

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