Grilling Safety

With barbecue season already here, homeowners should heed the following safety precautions in order to keep their families and property safe. Propane grills present an enormous fire hazard, as the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is aware of more than 500 fires that result annually from their misuse or malfunction.    The following precautions are […]

10 Easy Ways to Save Money & Energy in Your Home

Most people don’t know how easy it is to make their homes run on less energy, and here at InterNACHI, we want to change that.  Drastic reductions in heating, cooling and electricity costs can be accomplished through very simple changes, most of which homeowners can do themselves. Of course, for homeowners who want to take […]

Grading and Drainage

Wet, leaky basement? We see this all the time. Even after a lot of money was spent on basement waterproofing, some of the main causes frequently go unresolved. The first few feet of ground nearest the foundation is backfilled when homes are built. This almost always will settle over the years, creating an improper grade. […]

New Baltimore Rental Property Licensing Requirements

A new law has taken effect since August 1, 2018. All Baltimore City rental properties, including one- and two-family and multi-family dwellings, need to be licensed to operate as a rental. Property owners must have their licenses by January 1, 2019, and every two years there after. In order to receive a license from the […]
